micronized silica


Micronized silica Silica results from ore extraction, which turns into silica powder and is used in many industries. At Ara sang alvand Company, we provide micronized silica powder with the best quality and the lowest price for you, dear ones, and you can buy this product through the following numbers.

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Buy micronized silica powder: Hamadan silica powder is a cream-coloured powder with high adhesive properties. After mixing with mortar, it is unaffected by acid and base. This material is made of crushed quartz stone particles based on mineral fillers. This powder is generally available in three types micronized silica powder or flour, fine grain and sugar. To buy micronized silica powder in Isfahan or other cities, you can refer to the Ara Sang Alvand site. In the following article, we will introduce you to this material more

خرید سیلیس

What is silica powder?

This powder increases mechanical strength and plasticity after mixing with liquids and solids. It also increases thermal resistance, adhesion coefficient, high durability against impact and wear and improves quality. The following can be mentioned from its physical and chemical characteristics when buying micronized silica powder

  • Industrial name: Silica
  • Chemical formula: SiO2
  • Degree of purity: 99.85%
  • White color
  • Atomic number: 14
  • Atomic weight: 28.085
  • Specific weight: 2.33 grams per cubic centimeter
  • Difficulty: 7 on the mouse scale
  • Boiling point: 2355 degrees Celsius
  • Melting point: 1410 degrees Celsius

Chemical analysis of micronized silica

Element Sio2 Al2o3 Fe2o3 Cao L.O.I
%99.85 %0.07 %0.05 %0.03 %0.0

Application of pure silica powder

As silica has many applications, silica powder, an example of its processing product, is used in various industries. Examples of its uses include the foundry industry, ceramic making, plastic, water turbidity treatment, sand filtration, etc. One of its most interesting uses is in the field of making sports equipment. In this context, colored silica powder increases attractiveness and beauty. For more information about this wonderful element, refer to the What is Silica. To buy micronized silica powder and check the price of silica powder, you can also visit Ara sang Alvand store

Considering that the resistance of this material is high, They use it to make devices and buildings that need resistance. One of its important uses is in the construction industry. Pure silica powder for concrete is an example of its important application, which increases the strength of your structure. Of course, it should be noted that the higher the purity of silica, the more durable your final product will be

خرید پودر سیلیس میکرونیزه

The price of silica powder

The price of this material is greatly influenced by what type of mesh it is. In Iran, various meshes are produced with the most equipped devices and the highest quality. This process is implemented by large industrial complexes such as Ara Sang Alvand. The price of silicon powder is competitive with foreign samples. The size of the mesh available in Ara Sang is according to the following table:

code S400 S325 S230 S200 S170
Size(mesh) 400 325 230 200 170

Silica powder types

پودر سیلیس همدان

As mentioned, this material is available in different types with different uses. Its types are:

  • Micronized: to fill all the tiny pores on the surface of concrete and mortar, reduce permeability and increase adhesion between insulation mastic and cement surfaces (to buy micronized silica powder, you can visit https://arasangalvand.com/www.arasangalvand.com).
  • Fine grain: to create a rough support surface and increase adhesion in the insulation layer’s tile, stone, and ceramic sections.
  • Sugar: to reduce the modulus of elasticity in coarse sand, which eventually leads to the pasty state of concrete and mortar


micronized Filling all the tiny pores on the surface of concrete and mortar
fine grain Increased adhesion in tile sections
sugar Reduction of modulus of elasticity in coarse sand

Price and purchase of micronized silica powder

As mentioned in the article on the price of silica powder in Hamadan, various industries need this material to carry out their production process. This element is one of the most abundant substances in the earth’s crust. To buy micronized silica powder, you can refer to the Ara Sang alvand site as the largest producer of silica powder in Hamedan. This group sells micronized silica powder in Tehran and all over Iran.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the advantages of buying micronized silica powder?

This powder increases mechanical strength and plasticity after mixing with liquids and solids. It also increases thermal resistance, adhesion coefficient, high durability against impact and wear, and improves quality.

What is the important use of silica powder?

They use it to make devices and buildings that need resistance.


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